Prayer is not just one of our foundations, it's vital to the health of our church. We encourage everyone at GBC to be regularly praying for the church body, the preaching of God's Word and the salvation of the lost.
Here is a list of 30 ways you can pray according to God's Word. If you have trouble knowing what to pray about, this list is sure to help!
30 Biblical Requests to bring before God’s throne.
1. Your sanctification – 2 Pet 1:3-11; John 17:17
2. Your endurance through trial – Rom 5:1-5
3. Your joy in trials – John 16:20, 22
4. The fruit of the Spirit in your life – Gal 5:22-23
5. The witness of his name – Acts 1:8
6. The building of his church – Mt 16:18
The Church
7. The church to have elders and deacons – Titus 1:5, 1 Tim 3:8
8. The church to know what God requires of each person – Micah 6:8
9. The church to be made of servants not consumers – Phil 1:1 (Paul and Timothy considered themselves servants of God)
10. The church to be forgiving and kind and loving – Eph 4:32
11. The church to be the pillar and support of the truth in our communities and abroad – 1 Tim 3:15
12. The church to be full of cheerful givers – 2 Cor 9:7
13. The church to be the manifold witness of Christ to the heavenly world – Eph 3:10
14. The church to be a house of prayer – Mt 21:13
15. The church to be a fragrance of worship – Rom 12:1
16. The church to be a community of believers who are here primarily because of their obedience to Christ, the salvation of their souls, the love of their Savior and their desire to reflect the image of God. – 1 Jn 1:3; 2 Thes 3:5; 2 Cor 13:14
17. That his bride the church is unified so much so that our very lives together are a witness to the world. Rev 21:9; John 17:22-23
You Specifically
18. That your needs would be provided for – Phil 4:19
19. That you walk humbly with your God – James 4:6
20. That you eagerly await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ – Jude 21
21. That we know the truth and teach the truth and make disciples – John 8:32; Mt 28:19
22. That we build no portrait of a believer that scripture itself does not build – Luke 11:40-44
23. That we live as ambassadors for Christ as the most important mission on this earth – 2 Cor 5:20
24. That we are good stewards of the grace given to each and every one – 1 Pet 4:10
25. That we employ the gifts given to us in the regular service of God our Savior – Rom 12:6-8
26. That we do all to the glory of God – 1 Cor 10:31
27. That we accurately handle the word of truth – 2 Tim 2:15
28. That we faithfully proclaim the truth until he comes – Eph 4:25
Joy in Prayer
29. That your knowledge of God would be so real and impactful in your life that it would fill you with joy which no one can take away. John 16:22
30. That you bring your requests to God, humbly, in Jesus name, and experience fullness of joy as they are answered! Jn 16:24